ITA 18999 is another number to keep an eye on in the race fields. Angelo Lobinu with his IY 11.98 Geex climbed to the second step of the podium overall and took first place in the Racing division at the Punta Stendardo Trophy in Gaeta. Most importantly, he secured qualification for the Italian Championship. "Objective achieved," comments the boat owner, who has been sailing with the same group of friends for a lifetime. "The result in Gaeta exceeded our expectations. This boat allows you to do impossible things compared to others. And we still need to fine-tune it." This is a great compliment for Italia Yachts, but let's not underestimate the importance of a cohesive team with great experience. "Yes, but this is a 4.0 boat," adds Lobinu, who will be on the water for the races in Sorrento. Another noteworthy result was achieved in Spain, where the German boat Immac, IY 9.98 owned by Schiermann, went all the way to Palma de Mallorca and won Palmavela with partial scores of 1-2.1, dominating the rankings with only one point ahead of the second-placed boat. Meanwhile, in the USA, Delancy Cove, an IY 11.98 owned by Andrew and Linda Weiss, with Christopher Dragon's crew, started the season with a fantastic 1st place at the 44th edition of the Annual American Yachts Spring Regatta.